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The Apptitude story


Our mission is to help merchants of all verticals build, improve and drive forward their businesses with strategic advice for all things payments.


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Subscriptions, single purchases, freemium, incentivised. We can assist you in selecting the right model for your business and transforming a payment sieve into a payment funnel.

Non-payers can contribute a lot to your monetisation strategy, if targeted properly. We know how to make the most out of non paying users.

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Card payments

Are you looking to increase your card revenue?

Tap into our knowledge of building and running industry recognised merchant payment processing platforms, focusing on increasing revenue / conversion and optimising the payments process.

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Carrier billing

Carrier billing is a lucrative revenue stream for the right type of business, but the devil is in the detail.

Get to market quicker and smarter by utilising our global expertise and experience.

From devising bespoke frictionless flows, to going through Carrier approvals and setting the bar on conversion, we have been there and done it.

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Data is not what you have, it's how you use it!

We can empower you to make data driven payments decisions, defining relevant user attributes and linking them to payment methods logic and pricing strategy.

Predictively determine the most suitable / highest converting product.

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Alternative payments

Offering the right payments method mix per country, we know all the tricks to help you generate more revenue.

We understand complex technical integrations and how to turn payment processors into payment partners, as well as what pricing to expect and negotiate.

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PCI DSS, PSD2, GDPR, 2EMD… Navigating through regulatory space is not your business's focus, and it shouldn't be.

We can help you marry the regulatory requirements and your business practices with minimum impact to your operations.

The Team

The team have 28 years experience with payments, monetisation and compliance across a range of sectors.




Adrian Macias

I love pretty charts. Pragmatic data analyst, well versed in large datasets.




Patrick Bonham

Reformed regulator, carrier billing provocateur.
If it has a soft keyboard, I can bill it.


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Contact Us

Don't be shy - we love to chat!